Exploring the Usage of Fast Carry Chains to Implement Multistage Ring Oscillators on FPGAs: Design and Characterization
Exploring the Usage of Fast Carry Chains to Implement Multistage Ring Oscillators on FPGAs: Design and Characterization
Ring oscillators (ROs) serve as basic building blocks in a lot of application scenarios, where they must ensure high reliability, flexibility, and low-area/energy footprint. With the recent advances of the Internet-of-Things (IoT) technology, in particular, the necessity to endow interconnected devices with security facilities has increased as well. In this context, the efficient implementation of ROs on field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) is crucial, even though it hides some pitfalls. This article presents a new design strategy for multistage ROs relying on the carry chains (CCs) available into modern FPGA devices. Several configurations of ROs designed as proposed here have been characterized in terms of hardware costs, jitter, and temperature/voltage sensitivity. In all the evaluated cases, the proposed design allows to achieve predictable routing schemes through the automatic place and route (P&R), while reducing slice occupancy and energy consumption by up to 50% and 44%, respectively, in comparison with the traditional lookup table (LUT)-based ROs. When realized on a Artix-7 device, the basic version of the proposed oscillator realized using 33 inverting stages allows obtaining multiphase outputs oscillating at 29.7 MHz with a standard deviation less than 10 kHz. The analysis conducted also demonstrates the high flexibility of the novel circuits, such as the possibility to easily change their behavior depending on the target application requirements. As an example, by exploiting additional pass-through elements, the proposed scheme achieves a sensitivity of 49 kHz/°C that is more than 4 times higher than that shown by the corresponding traditional LUT-based competitor, thus making it more suitable for thermal monitoring applications.
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Exploring the Usage of Fast Carry Chains to Implement Multistage Ring Oscillators on FPGAs: Design and Characterization